Supporting Norton KDH

Your contribution, regardless of size, will make a difference in the health of our community. You have several options for supporting Norton King’s Daughters’ Health; you can attend one of our special events, make a donation at any time, or include us in your estate plans. For more information please visit our Ways to Give page.

Foundation funds

Directly or indirectly, all contributions enhance the quality of health care available to our community. As a result of our donors’ generosity, we are able to support community health education, the purchase of new equipment for the hospital, staff education, as well as many other important health-related programs.

Although unrestricted gifts allow us the flexibility to direct funds to be used where the need is greatest, you can specify what program or department you wish to support. Review the list of foundation funds below, then click the “Donate” button at the bottom of the page to make your gift today.

If you would like to support Norton King’s Daughters’ Health, please contact Rachel Sharpe, Norton Healthcare Foundation, at (812) 801-0555.

Existing Funds

Schedule an Appointment

Select an appointment date and time from available spots listed below.