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Norton King’s Daughters’ Health participates in a wide selection of health insurance plans. If you do not see your insurance plan listed below, or have specific questions about your coverage, or if you have additional questions, our Customer Service team can help. Call (812) 801-0161.
Note: Insurance carriers provide many different programs. Large insurers, such as Humana and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, use a variety of plans that may be tailored to specific businesses. For example, Humana insurance plans offered through Company A may be different from Humana coverage offered at Company B. Please contact your insurance provider to verify coverage or to make sure you follow precertification and prior authorization requirements. Call the number provided on your insurance card.
If you have a specific question about your insurance coverage or benefits, please contact someone in your personnel office (human resources) or your insurance provider directly. The company’s customer service phone number should be listed on your insurance card.
If you have no insurance (classified as self-pay) and need assistance regarding your bills, please call our Customer Service Department at (812) 801-0161 between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Learn more about the Norton Healthcare Financial Assistance Program or call Norton Healthcare Financial Assistance at (502) 579-6300.
Norton King’s Daughters’ Health can help and provide guidance to patients who need assistance during open enrollment for Marketplace options, Medicaid Enrollment, traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans. Claim Aid Navigators are available to assist patients who need help with Indiana coverage options for 2024.
Although Open Enrollment is closed for most insurances, including Medicare and Medicaid, individuals experiencing a qualifying life event may have the ability to change insurance plans, add family members, or un-enroll as spouse or dependent. Examples of a qualifying life event: Getting married, having a baby, or losing health coverage through your employer.
Open enrollment varies by insurance and typically runs for specific dates beginning in mid-October through mid-December each year.
Medicare (Traditional plans):Those who need assistance with Medicare plans are encouraged to contact the State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP) counselor in their county by calling (800) 452-4800.Medicare Advantage PlansMembers needing assistance may call a SHIP counselor in their county by calling (800) 452-4800.Marketplace Plans (healthcare.gov):Claim Aid Navigators at KDH are experts in the field and are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. by calling (812) 801-0744. If needed, patients may schedule an in-person appointment. For those wanting to complete enrollment online, visit www.healthcare.gov. It is important for patients to understand the type of plan they sign up for to be sure it includes major medical expenses. Indiana – Medicaid Managed CareIndiana’s open enrollment for those wishing to change their Medicaid Managed Care Organization was November 1 – December 15.Kentucky – Medicaid Managed CareKentucky’s open enrollment for those wishing to change their Medicaid Managed Care plan was November 2 – December 15. Claim Aid representatives can only assist with the application. Kentucky’s website for Medicaid enrollment is www.chfs.ky.gov
Norton King’s Daughters’ Health encourages patients to register for health care coverage during the open enrollment periods. This ensures that patients have adequate insurance coverage in 2021. Claim Aid Navigators are a service of Norton King’s Daughters’ Health and they understand the complexities of the various options and are happy to assist patients during the open enrollment process. Patients may also contact Norton King’ Daughters’ Health Customer Service at (812) 801-0161.
Select an appointment date and time from available spots listed below.