Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening

Norton King’s Daughters’ Health offers a low-dose CT lung cancer screening (LDCT) program for current and former tobacco smokers to identify potential lung cancers early, when treatment is most effective. Unlike traditional chest x-rays, a CT scan produces a high-resolution 3D image of the lungs that can detect very small nodules or other abnormalities. An LDCT screening exam may be repeated at 12-month (or greater) intervals if a patient’s previous exam was negative. A suspicious finding ends future eligibility for this program.

Medicare, insurance and costs

Medicare – If you have Medicare and meet all of the eligibility criteria, Medicare will cover the cost of the screening.
Commercial Insurance – If you meet the eligibility criteria, we will work with you to determine whether your plan covers the cost of the low-dose CT scan and what your potential out-of-pocket costs – including co-payments – might be.
Self Pay (no insurance) – Patients without insurance who meet eligibility requirements may participate through the Direct Access Testing program – which includes an $88 fee at the time of the screening.

Medicare and insurance scheduling

For Medicare patients and those with commercial insurance, your provider (physician/nurse practitioner) will contact you regarding your appointment date and time. Talk to your personal care provider about any concerns.

Self Pay scheduling

Self-pay (no insurance) patients may call Medical Imaging at (812) 801-0440 to schedule an appointment. Before scheduling your exam, a member of our team may ask confirm that you meet all of the eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be between the ages of 50 and 77 years old
  • Have no signs or symptoms of lung cancer
  • Be a current smoker or have quit smoking within the past 15 years
  • Have a 20-pack-year or greater history of tobacco smoking – an average of one pack [20 cigarettes] per day for 20 years
  • You receive a low-dose CT order from your physician or provider

Norton Cancer Institute-Madison promotes cancer screenings and early detection. If you are a current or former smoker, talk with your provider about an appropriate lung cancer screening, including the low-dose CT program.

Schedule an Appointment

Select an appointment date and time from available spots listed below.